Ofsted & DfE Performance Tables

The school is regularly inspected by OFSTED.  Our most recent OFSTED from June 2023 can be found via the link below.

The OFSTED inspection proved to be a positive experience for the school.  We can be pleased that our overall judgements were rated as at least good, with inspectors noting aspects of each judgement as outstanding in their verbal feedback in team meetings.

Those of you familiar with previous reports will see how they have changed.  The current reports are briefer and lead inspectors are required to keep to a tight word count.

Many strengths of the school are highlighted in the report including:

New End is a friendly and caring school.
The school has constructed an ambitious curriculum that enables pupils to achieve well.
Staff help pupils to become articulate and confident.
Staff have high expectations for all pupils, including those with Special Education Needs.
Pupils’ personal, social, moral and spiritual development is at the core of the school’s work.
Governors provide support and challenge to leaders to ensure that the ambitious expectations for all pupils continue to be achieved.
Children, parents and staff hold the school in high regard.  The team were overwhelmed with the response by our parent community in both the questionnaires and when talking to parents at the gate.
Safeguarding remains effective and children feel cared for and supported.

Our thorough and wide ranging discussions with the team reinforced two improvement points that we had identified and were in development at the time of the inspection.

Everyone at New End looks forward to continuing to work with you and your children in making New End Primary School an even better place to be.

Please note that the performance measures below are not current as we are awaiting the finalised 2023 results.  They relate to the 2018-2019 academic year as statutory assessments in 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 academic years were cancelled  as a result of Coronovirus (COVID-19).   Primary schools are also not required to publish results for the 2021-2022 academic year as the statutory assessments returned for the first time since 2019, without adaptions, after disruption caused by the pandemic.  The government have archived data from the 2018-2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.

Please click HERE to see our most recent DfE Performance Results. (2018-2019)

Please find below a summary of the 2019 Key Stage Two Results which were the last published KS2 SATs results:

Percentage of Children achieving the expected standard or above in reading, writing and mathematics – 65%

Percentage of Children achieving a high level of attainment in reading, writing and mathematics – 12%

Reading Writing Mathematics
Average Progress Score


Above Average




Above Average

Average Scale Score 105.0 N/A 106.0


Please click HERE to see our internal data for 2020 and 2021.